Besides tutoring, GLP also provides service recipients at Wilson enrichment activities revolving around quarterly themes in Health, STEM, and Environment/Sustainability. It is our goal to show our students the relevance of their classroom material, and to also spark an interest in these topics. Additionally, since the students we work with typically come from economically-disadvantaged backgrounds, GLP aspires to provide its students exposure to science-oriented activities so that they have an equal chance to develop a passion for the sciences.
Academic Enrichment
Through our health quarter, we strive to teach our students the importance of living both a healthy and happy life. We emphasize not just physical health, but mental health as well.
Example activites include:
+ A Letter to Your Future Self
+ Balloon-Lung Model
+ Positive Me Poem
+ Drug Outreach and Education Program collaboration
+ Cup Tower Team Building Exercise
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
Often times, our students have trouble with math. And given the importance of math in every scientific discipline, we hope that our STEM activities can serve as fun motivation for our students to excel in their math classes.

Example activities include:
+ Mobile Mint Carts
+ Bridge Building Competition
+ Homemade Lava Lamps
+ Egg Drop competition
Environment and Sustainability
With the California water shortage going on, we want to teach our students to be environmentally conscious, and how they can live a greener life.
Example activities include:
+ How Oil Spills Harm Wildlife
+ Sun Still
+ Acid Rain Investigation
+ Solar Hot Dog Cooker
Field Trips
Throughout the year, we take our service recipients on educational field trips to enrich their learning. They also serve as fun tutor-tutee bonding experiences!
Past field trips have included:
+ La Brea Tar Pits and Museum
+ Griffith Observatory
+ UCLA - Project Bruin
Program Goals for the Future
Just as the Armenian Tutorial Project adapted to become what is currently Glendale Learning Program, GLP aspires to go beyond its educational scope to better serve the Glendale community's needs. As such, we seek volunteers and community partners who are motivated to help us expand our service, and bring a positive impact to the city.

So far, ideas include:
+ Expansion to a high school site to directly help with college applications
+ Broaden service to include a health component centered around smoking